Coronavirus API Public Health Initiative

CoronavirusAPI Team

The CoronavirusAPI website is an initiative by Danny Yang and Susan Joseph.

The CoronavirusAPI website is an initiative by Danny Yang and Susan Joseph.

Danny is the tech lead behind the organization's free public website, web crawlers, and data harmonization efforts, and brings a deep background of experience in big data projects, AI/machine learning, and blockchain. Danny also coordinates the efforts of an awesome team of volunteers who are all in this fight together.

CoronavirusAPI also receives support from George Pullen, a subject matter expert in risk, modeling and forecasting, frequent guest lecturer, writer and speaker, adjunct professor at University of New Hampshire Law where he teaches on economics and social impact of technology, and Chief Economist of Milky Way Economy.

Susan had the genesis for the idea to bring together transparent Government data to help save lives. She is an attorney and emerging technology consultant who works with enterprises and startups ranging from insurers and blockchain to financial institutions and supply chains. She co-founded a not-for-profit start-up, Diversity in Blockchain where she also serves as the organization's Executive Director. Susan researches, coordinates, and manages the public policy, legal, and business aspects of the CoronavirusAPI.

Thanks to all who contributed to this project, including Caleb Brown, Rudi Cilibrasi, Kai Shih, Stephen Sorkin, Richard Schumann, Carina Crabbe and many others!